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Monday, September 28, 2009

It's time to break out the mitts!

This past weekend, we had a couple of people ask us if we had mitts and gloves with us. It was 50F that morning. Now that the cold front has moved in, and there is a frost warning for tonight, we're now gearing up for the cold weather. If you have hats, scarves and mitts/gloves (for adults and children), let me know, or drop the items in the bins at CrossRoads (or hand them to me at CrossRoads Sunday morning, or The Gallery Sunday evening).

The photo is from last winter; I'm showing it to remind us (me), that now is the time for the cold-weather gear...

Tomorrow night, some of the ladies of CrossRoads are getting together to make some mitts and hats. Thank you ladies! (The men on the street prefer dark, solid colors, while the ladies prefer colorful items.)



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