Here is a story (real-life, unlike a certain famous bookclub choice...) of a couple of college age guys who decide to live on the streets, to see what it is really like.
They spend a month at each of six US cities, with nothing but a guitar and their sleeping bags. Their experiences are eye-opening (for them and for the reader). Particularly painful yet hopeful is how they are treated by various Christians.
The last chapter on reintegrating into "normal" life is worth the price of the book. Mike finishes by discuss somethings that people like you and me can do. While I was telling my friend Bill about the book, and the last chapter of suggestions, he said, "What are you doing this Saturday? Let's go downtown." And that was the start of our weekly walks downtown. Pick-up the book. Let me know what you think.
When we started walking downtown, we were intimidated too. It's taken a bit of time getting used to it. It's one of those funny things: week by week I don't see much change, but then I look back six months and I'm a different person because of this.
We can take you downtown with us, and you can see what we do. Let us know...
Hey JoynJesus, I'm glad to hear you've started the book.
About taking a couple of guys to lunch, I agree that it is challenging. Sometimes (like with Carlos, below) we kick ourselves for not having taken someone out for a coffee. However, I can't force a situation to work out. Sometimes it just wouldn't be right to do it.
For example, one situation this weekend seemed perfect for Bill and I to get involved in, but we both backed away from it because something felt wrong. We talked about it later, and it turned out that both of us had earlier felt a warning from God that there was danger that particular day. That feeling had led us to much prayer while we were walking, asking for God's leading and discernment, and I think that this was what kept us from getting in that situation. It's humbling, really.
If anything, it's increased our reliance on God for leading and protection.
Now, don't get me wrong, we've only had a handful of situations that we've had to back out of, and their decreasing as we learn more. My younger daughter wants to join us one Saturday, so we're bringing her along soon.
So, that being said Maddie & JnJ, let us know which Saturday works for you.
Wow, you've put a lot into your comments. I'll tell you, we felt a bit funny talking about it. About your question, I'll go over to your site and see what I can contribute. The short answer is some yes, some no, based on what I've seen.
About anonymity, sure, please come over to the table to introduce yourself! This Sunday I'm likely to be split between the Praxis table and the HIV/AIDS display that is going to be set up. Either way though, Bill and I are findable.
About your most recent post, that is an awesome idea to make bag lunches. We've seen some meals given out, and although they appear tasty, they aren't very portable. A good bag lunch would be fantastic. As for the number, I'm talking to Bill about stuff related to this tomorrow night. I'll get back to you. I know it would be great, particularly for those that we know spend the nights outside by Harriet Island (they'll definitely need more food). One thing, some of the people we've talked to have said that they can't keep the breakfast bars down. That shocked and depressed me.
Hey, that's great that you've directed your son to Under the Overpass! Does he have to write a report on it? I'd like to see what he says about it!
matta - can you tell me a little bit about what the HIV/Aids display will be about? I am wondering if there is some project going on in that "area" (other than the missions trip) and will the display be at services other than the sanctuary one ? Thanks!
The HIV/AIDS task force is starting by raising awareness of the extent of the problem, including locally. There will be information, and prayer guides at the display. It actually coincides with the Black Church Week of Prayer for AIDS. This is to get the conversation started. Specific ministries will possibly be coming in the spring and/or summer.
The display will also be during the other services, but in a month or so (for reasons that make sense to me).
There is also going to be something up front during Sanctuary.
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