Praxis: We are a group of people putting Jesus' words into action, serving the people on the streets and in local shelters in St. Paul...
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Scraps and loose ends...
When I started this blog, I was hoping that people would use it to share their experiences helping others. Through the spring and summer it worked that way. We had a fairly regular stream of comments. It was good.
We had a bit of a end-of-summer blogging slump, and we lost our readership.
While we currently have a link from the Sanctuary website, soon we may be posting announcements directly on the Sanctuary blog. Keep your eyes open there also.
We'll be handing out lists of items that can be donated for the homeless after the Sanctuary service this Sunday. We collect these items before and after the Sanctuary service. Alternately you can drop things off in the church office.
We are still going downtown most every Saturday, and if you want to join our expanding group give me a call. If you want to learn more about helping New Life Family Services, given Reagen a call. If you want to help with Bill's Pantry, give Mary B. or Jim L. a call (call the church office for numbers).
If you want to know about Care Kits for community nurses in Swaziland, send me a note.
Blessings as you get out into the community and care for the forgotten...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
As Long as God Has Me Here, I'm Going to Do What I Can.
"...When I first came to Honduras back in 1993, I never imagined that it would lead me to where I am today!
Just a day or so ago, I was out walking when some kids asked me for some money. I smelled the glue they were potent! I told them I wouldn't give them money, but that if they were hungry, I'd get them something to eat. I went into the closest restaurant and bought them a little something. The deal had been that I give them the food and they give me the glue...well...didn't quite work out. They never handed over the glue... but I always give the food anyway. It's sad just how many and how young street kids are. Used to be 15,000 in Honduras. They now estimate 18,000! This country needs help. And as long as God has me here, I am going to do what I can."
"As long as God has me here, I'm going to do what I can." That is my new motto. There is so much to be done, and so few workers. I thank God for my friend's servent heart, for his willingness to go to the ends of the earth to feed hungry children, both physically and spiritually. My prayer is that God will use me where I am too. For whatever His will may be.
Here are some links to more information about project manuelito.
Here is a link to a video of another ministry my friend works with. My friend refers to it as the "Micah Project". It is a fairly new ministry in Teguc, and it helps the 1200 people or so who call the city dump, their home. Then click on the Micah Project.wmv file. It's just over nine minutes long.
Friday, September 15, 2006
So, whatcha up to?
Blessings all...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
One year later
Pastor Brad asked us to do something with "social justice", and to "run with it". We first found a multimedia course that our denomination put together. This course was written specifically to help churches launch appropriate social justice ministries. It was a combination of finding the needs in the neighborhood and region, finding the passions and giftings of the people in the congregation, and slowly building a self-sustaining structure to move forward. Sounded great. I was told however that we weren't going to run this course (for a variety of reasons). Oh well.
Bill and I first tried mapping out a complete organization, and then tried finding people to fill the various roles. Well, since Sanctuary was just starting and we didn't know very many people and how they could plug in, we didn't succeed. After that we advertised a couple of meetings and asked interested people to come and suggest ministries.
Out of this came the support for New Life Family Services.
The AIDS task force was launched with strong support from the pulpit, which drew a strong leadership team. Armed with their passion and materials on launching AIDS minsitries (from a Saddleback Church conference), this group found and built connections with a couple of established HIV/AIDS ministries in the Twin Cities, and are active. That's great.
Bill and I and some others have been going downtown most Saturdays to spend time with the homeless and give them water and hygeine supplies in the summer, and hats, gloves, handwarmers and blankets in the winter. Many people have generously donated blankets and winter gear. (Thank you very much: your generosity touched many people!)One small group asked us to come and talk to them about it, which was beneficial.
Now to some of the challenges we faced: we are not an conventional-style org-chartable ministry. We don't have a voice "at the table". We are not a budget line anywhere (and having been on the church council several years ago, I've seen the benefits of appearing on the budget...). For a while we set up a table in the lobby each Sunday night, but that has become difficult with the numbers of people now attending (oh, the problems of a growing church (smile) ) I've tried to get space at the different info tables, but even when I got the space, I didn't really get the space (long story...)
What could be done? I've thought about setting up the donation bins by the wall. However, I've noticed that the food shelf barrels that have been set up in the lobby seem to collect empty coffee cups...probably not going to work for our stuff either. We tried leaving our bins in the cloak room, but everyone was asked to clean their stuff out of the cloak room (a reasonable request...)
I've just received a request to provide 400 pairs of socks to give out at an event for the homeless...faced with this request (and knowing that we don't have announcements at Sanctuary or a way of advertising this except through what you are reading right now), what would you do?
Also, dear reader, I'd also like to know what you would change as of today concerning Praxis (it might help to review the first couple of posts to get a sense of the mission)?
Oh, and one more thing...if you read this, just send a comment saying "I read this", or "I read this and you're whining..." or something to let me know...
That's it.
Blessings all,
Friday, May 26, 2006
HIV drugs for children in Africa
The Global Movement for Children said that, in June 2005, around four million children were in need of cotrimoxazole, an antibiotic costing 3 US cents per day per child, which prevents life-threatening infections in HIV infected children and infants born to HIV-positive mothers.
It can also delay the onset of Aids and the need for anti-retroviral therapy.
It adds that 90% of HIV-positive children are infected by a failure to prevent mother-to-child transmission.
The report says providing a mother with comprehensive care can reduce the risk of transmission to less than 2%.
But under 10% of HIV-positive pregnant women currently receive the necessary drugs.
The report makes a series of recommendations including the development of simple and affordable diagnostic tests, more research and development for child specific treatment and improvements to health-care systems in developing countries to make it easier to get medication to children.
The rest of the news item can be found here
The part that struck me is again the low cost of doing the right thing! Thoughts?
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Message about trip to Swaziland
I enjoyed his message very much, and he makes some great points.
Listen when you get a chance, and let me know what you think.
Link to messages here
Friday, May 12, 2006
Swaziland-Part 1
One of my big take-aways was again that God never fails to surprise me. We went over prepared (as much as we could) to be heart-broken by what we were going to see. That happened. But I was really surprised by the hope and joy we saw in the rural area of Swaziland we were in. Here there is a 42% HIV/AIDS prevalance level, and it's really taking its toll on the communities. And yet people are hopeful and joyful because they have a bigger and more real and intimate vision of God. They really believe that with their service to their community in Jesus' name that the tide can be turned and that they will be able to raise the children aged 5-15 to adulthood free of HIV. At that point the corner will have been turned.
Such faith!
We went expecting to have our hearts broken, and they were. But not only were they broken so that we could feel their pain, but also that we could feel their joy. Without being able to feel their pain, I don't think I'd be able to fully understand their joy.
More rambling thoughts to come...
Monday, March 27, 2006
Face to Face
The bottom line is, we are not "changing " the people we meet. They are what they are...God's crowning achievement, His most beloved. Though they find themselves in dire circumstances, they are priceless in the eyes of God who created them. No, we take it home with us because we are the ones being changed. If we are not overwhelmed; if we can get through a night without worring about one of our new friends, then I fear God has much more work to do in our hearts.
I think Jesus affirmed this kind of personal ministry in the story told in Matt 26:6-13. The problem of poverty is always going to be there, and giving to the needy through charities is clearly something we are called to do. But we can't forget the importance of the personal is why He came.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Face-to-face vs writing a check
I think I should clarify what the focus of what we're doing with Praxis is:
We are actually meeting face to face with the homeless and learning their stories. It is infinitely easier for me to simply write a check and send it to Union Gospel Mission, and our family and many others do that. However, it changes a person when they stand and talk to a homeless person, for either 5 minutes or for an hour (like we had the opportunity to do last weekend). Sure, Jesus ministered to thousands at a time (Sermon on the Mount, feeding the 5000, etc...), but He also took the time to talk to individuals. The focus for Praxis isn't efficiency, it's faithfulness. And in talking to the homeless, I've learned more about what they like about these organized service groups, and what really offends their sense of self-worth. That's something I would not learn any other way. That's another aspect of it: learning. And when we listen to their stories, we give them a dignity they say they don't get from certain organizations.
At the beginning of each day, we put our time in God's hands to bring people to us to talk to. Does that seem unfocused? In one way, yes. In another way, to acknowledge God's sovereignty can't be a bad thing, can it? Obviously we're not transitioning people to high-paying jobs overnight, but when we see someone without a hat or gloves and it's -5 degrees out, then I'd say that the organized charities missed this person, and that we are exactly where we need to be.
Now, we have dropped items off and Union Gospel Mission and Naomi House, and will continue to do so. (Soon I'll post about what the kids in CrossWalk @ CrossRoads have done: it's awesome!).
Absolutely, there has to be people plugged into the service organizations, and I applaud those people and the passion that God has given them. However, I have an informal rule that if people don't get my particular passion, then it's likely they aren't meant to serve there. I am called to talk face to face with the homeless and to give them dignity. That's it. Others are called elsewhere, and should serve elsewhere. I'm not big on convincing people that they should serve the way I'm called to serve. That's not God's way. All I can do is tell my story, and something will stir in someones heart, or it won't. That's it.
This is becoming a spiritual discipline, in the sense that Richard Foster means (see note on his books below). We are putting ourselves in front of God and asking God to both work in us and work through us.
I can't stress enough: until you stand in the cold, in a park or on a street corner, and create a space for a homeless person to unpack their emotional & spiritual baggage, you won't really understand them. And after all, Jesus died for that individual also, so how can our giving them a bit of dignity by listening to their stories be a bad thing?
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Silence (Molchanie) and Unity (Sobernost)
You wish to experience this kind of silence? Go into the alleyways of the world. Look at the garbage pails and see the old ladies rummaging through them, and the children collecting what you have thrown away. The poor go about this task in silence, a despairing silence, crying silently to God. People have closed their hearts to these poor. So some day, when you have nothing to do, walk through the garbage alleys of the world. Then you will know the silence of the Devil. And in that silence two thoughts will emerge: “Will I share more with the poor?” and “To hell with the poor!” What effect will this silence have on you?
Silence can lead us to God, and that is why the Evil One constantly tries to interfere with it. Take, for instance, the silence of indifference.
I appreciate that she is honest enough to say that we don't always have pure responses, and sometimes we're tempted to walk away from the things the bother us. It's important how we respond at this decision point.
Another quote, this time from Sobernost (Unity):
The only way to show the reality of Christ is to become an icon of Christ, a reflection of his face. And the reflection of his face will make us not only pray but serve. The two go together. For those who follow Christ, there is no service without prayer, and no prayer without service. They pray always, and they serve always.
So we have to enter the world – not the world that God condemned as evil – but the world he created … the beautiful world. And we have to restore it.
To serve mankind, to restore mankind to what was in the mind of God when he created it: this is our task! For this have we been baptized. Remember! We have died with Christ and have been resurrected with him. And if we listen carefully, the Gospel will shout at us clearly and simply, and we will have to do what it says.
Note her devotion to God, which leads her to serve Him by serving those He created and loves.
We've had several people mention that it would be a real stretch to walk downtown with us. I understand that. One alternative would be take some time and walk downtown, and simply pray for the people you see. God is sovereign, and will work in your heart uniquely. Go with someone, and take some time afterwards to talk about it. Let us know what you learn.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Speaking of prayer...

OK, enough Foster for now. Let me know what you decide to pick up.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
"How do you cope with what you see?"
Several people have since asked how they can be involved. We are going to be having a "training session", which really isn't the right term for it, in a couple of weeks, followed by a trip downtown. We'll be announcing that soon.
I just received a very nice email from someone at church, who is inspired to get out and help, but is understandably concerned about being overwhelmed by the needs, and about bringing that home. That is a great question, and I've included my answer below. Bill & Casey will also have worthwhile insights to the question.
About your question about how we cope, the short answer is prayer and lots of it. The long answer is: Before we get out of the car, we pray that God will make us responsive to what we see, will bring the people He wants us to meet to us, and that we are offering this time to Him. As we walk, we'll spontaneously pray (eyes open, of course, because I don't want to walk into a lamp post!) for people we see. Sometimes when we get to talk to some people for a while, we'll get some of their story, which is usually quite sad but with seeds of hope. We ask if they'd like us to pray for them and the answer is always "Yes please!". As we walk away we again ask for God's protection on that person.
As we drive home we talk about what we're learned and who we met, and what God is doing. Sometimes if we have to really decompress we go for a coffee. Sometimes I'm still bothered when I get home, but fortunately my wife is very understanding, and let's me tell her what I've seen.
A couple of times I've woken up in the middle of the night worried about someone we met, and I'll pray for their protection through the night. The next day at church I'll find out that Casey and Bill also woke up at the same time and prayed for that person.
We keep our eyes open for people we've met before, and sometimes we do. Often we don't, and I'm saddened.
About wanting to do more than you actually can, I'd say that you might feel that way, but you absolutely can't let that chain you down. We know we're not getting people off of the streets and into jobs (although I pray that will happen). We helping ensure that some people's hands don't freeze off in the night. We are helping people get through the day. Like I said, we are offering this time to God to use as he sees fit. Without that mindset of obedience, it would be too depressing to do.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Under the Overpass

Here is a story (real-life, unlike a certain famous bookclub choice...) of a couple of college age guys who decide to live on the streets, to see what it is really like.
They spend a month at each of six US cities, with nothing but a guitar and their sleeping bags. Their experiences are eye-opening (for them and for the reader). Particularly painful yet hopeful is how they are treated by various Christians.
The last chapter on reintegrating into "normal" life is worth the price of the book. Mike finishes by discuss somethings that people like you and me can do. While I was telling my friend Bill about the book, and the last chapter of suggestions, he said, "What are you doing this Saturday? Let's go downtown." And that was the start of our weekly walks downtown. Pick-up the book. Let me know what you think.
Carlos is from the south of Mexico. He's here working in the construction trades. He's a roofer, and isn't working right now. Work starts up again in a month. He has no money until then, so he gets by sleeping where he can and eating at the Center. He admitted that it is so tough that sometimes he has to "escape reality" to survive. He glanced around at the other people outside the center.
After a pause, he went on. His biggest fear when he's working is that he'll fall off the roof and be injured. Next to that, his biggest pain is that he hasn't seen his wife and daughter in over a year. Right now he has no money, but once he gets some if he went back to visit he wouldn't be able to reenter the US. His eyes started to water, and I could see that he was torn between doing anything he could to feed his family, and missing them desparately.
Later that day, we kicked ourselves for not taking him over to Mickey's Diner for some food, and simply being there for him. Next week we'll seek him out. Larry is going downtown a couple of days this week, and is going to keep an eye out for him.
So here I am, getting ready to pick up some flowers to give my wife tonight, and I still see Carlos, and the hurt in his eyes that he tried to hide, as he talks about his wife and daughter. I still see his loneliness.
As we left we prayed for his safety, and also that God would guard his heart and mind and keep him from desparate choices. Right now, as you read this, you are one of a very few people that even knows Carlos the person exists. When you sit down with loved ones tonight, say a silent prayer for Carlos and his wife and daughter, for their safety and their reunion.
Blessings all!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
New Life Family Services
My passion is children. Teaching, helping, loving, caring for children. And in doing these things for kids, I then have the chance to touch their families and their friends. There are so many opportunities out there to help kids. This post is about New Life Family Services. New Life is a non profit Christian social service agency. Their mission is to honor the sanctity of human life by assisting clients in life-affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ. They do free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, offer counseling, practical assistance, and licensed adoption services to the women they help.
Being a new mom myself, I am especially passionate about the smallest and most helpless of God's children (at least at this stage of my life). This is why I feel that New Life needs my help.
There are many ways to help New Life. We will be collecting baby and maternity items at the Praxis table each Sunday before and after Sanctuary. New Life accepts new and used baby items and maternity clothes. Also diapers, wipes, toys, stuffed animals, formula, baby food, etc. (any donated equipment like high chairs and car seats must be new and in it's original packaging). They also take office supplies as donations. Another option is to put together a Birth Mother Gift Bag. These gift bags are given to new moms who have just given their baby up for adoption. They contain things like disposable camaras, journals, picture frames, candles, lip gloss, etc.
New Life also has a 24 hour pregnancy hotline. Any time day or night women can call and reach a caring individual who can listen and pray with them. The hotline needs volunteers for off business hour times. I just called the women in charge of the hotline, and she said they are currently really hurting for volunteers. It is a somewhat of a process to get the training to work on the hotline, but I was like sign me up! I'll keep you updated on how it goes. If anyone out there is interested in potentially volunteering, please come talk to me at the Praxis table on Sundays! I know they could use you!!
And whoever welcomes a little child like this in the my name welcomes me. -Jesus (Matthew 18:5)
Sunday, January 29, 2006
One day Bill and I were walking, and came across a couple of people sleeping in an alcove. They woke up while we were leaving some food and water. We offered blankets, as they had none. When we handed a fleece blanket to the woman, she took it and scrunched it up and rubbed it against her face. She looked at us and said in a surprised voice “This is new! And so soft and beautiful! Oh thank you!” I told her that I knew the people that made it, and that they cared about the person getting it. Walking away, we realized that even though this lady was on the street, she showed a tender side that we didn't expect. It opened our eyes a bit further to our friends.
A couple of weeks later, we were handing out blankets. One lady that we'd given a blanket to saw another one in our bag. "Oh, can I give this one back and have that blue one? It's so pretty!" The one she was pointing to was powder blue with a white snowflake pattern. Of course, she got the one she wanted. Walking away, Bill said "She's a lady. She's still a lady." And our eyes were opened a bit more.
Tonight at church someone asked us how much longer we would be collecting blankets. "Ah, the Second Coming?" I said. Goofy, but that's the intention. Blessings to the ladies and senior high groups that have been making the blankets, and also the people that donate new store-bought blankets. You have kept people warm at night.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
The next weekend when we were packing to leave, Bill opened his knapsack and showed me a loaf of bread. “For George and Tony” he said. I laughed. Unfortunately, we didn’t see George or Tony that trip.
The following Saturday we headed out, again with a loaf of bread. This time walking through Rice Park we saw George. We called out to him as we walked over to him. He looked up, searched our faces for a couple of seconds, then smiled. “The handwarmer guys!” We gave him the loaf of bread for the birds, and he laughed and thanked us, and wandered down to the south end of the park. We headed north out of the park
A little while later we were walking through the park back to the car, and we passed where George had taken the bread. Scattered on the path in a ten foot diameter circle were more bread crusts than I’d seen before. A couple of sparrows were eating some of the crusts. “Breadsplosion!” We laughed. Looking back, I wish I had watched George feed the birds. In fact, I wish we could have fed the birds with him. We sometimes forget that our friends on the street might want to have a conversation. In delivering the goods we forgot the people side. We’ve realized that we need to slow down and leave open the possibility for talking more to people.
Welcome to Praxis
Pastor Brad invited (or challenged) a couple of us to start some sort of ministry that would comfort those who are suffering. Specifically it would be directed towards people who are not part of our church (CrossRoads in Cottage Grove, MN). The form it would take would be up to us. We immediately thought of the homeless, of women’s shelters, crisis pregnancies, and about a dozen other teams. We very soon had too many ideas for the number of hands. What would we select? How were going to launch this?
During many coffees at the local shop, we realized that the current forms we were talking about, like the standard hierarchical ministry, were just not going to work. We decided to experiment with what could be called a node-and-hub ministry (my term for it, more on that later.)
We decided that a couple of us would get something going, something small, and people who were excited could join us. People who were interested but had different passions, well, we would support them and help them launch something.
With that, a couple of us started to walk through downtown St. Paul, talking with the homeless (“our friends”), and offering them water, cereal bars, coats, hats, gloves, blankets and hand-warmers. We’ve done this now every Saturday for five months. We’ve set up a table at our Sanctuary service to collect donations, and our friends downtown have been blessed by some very tender-hearted people at the church who have donated new and almost new clothing and blankets (I’ll talk about these beautiful blankets in another entry…)
Before going on, I want to talk about why I’m even writing any of this. A couple of us talked about this, and Pastor Brad pointed out that in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:16, specifically) Jesus said that we are to let our lights shine before men so that they would see our good deeds and praise our Father in Heaven. Brad said that it’s also valuable to let people know the kind of things that could be done, to energize them to join in.
With that, future entries will be about the people that have touched us, made us laugh, and broken our hearts even while we’ve been serving them. As well, as we launch other teams in our network, others will join in with their stories of love, pain and redemption. What will hopefully emerge is the big story. I’m catching glimpses of how this is more than a ministry (in fact, I don’t call it a ministry at church anymore…), how it is a transforming spiritual practice that becomes a way of life, a way of walking humbly with our God (i.e. Micah 6:8).