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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas 2008 - Thank you ladies!

Thanks to very generous donations from the ladies that attended the CrossRoads Church Women's Christmas Brunch, we have been able to purchase supplies to put together Christmas gift bags to give to those in shelters today. The bags have new socks, cookies, candies and candy canes, and breakfast bars. We are also handing out Christmas cards that a local Girl Scout troop wrote, some baked goods donated by Rainbow, stuffed animals some friends donated, and handwarmers.
Thanks all for your generosity and compassion for people in the shelters and on the streets this cold and snowy Christmas. Blessings to you all!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Memories of warm weather


With the weather turning cold, I'm posting pictures of when it used to be warm...

The first picture is from Rice Park (we did a goofy thing, and had a sign for free smiles along with our usual food and water), and on the other is from when we helped with Hearts on Fire for God homeless outreach in Minneapolis (we arranged the clothing give away, and then several bands performed and a couple of pastors spoke in the Musicbox Theatre).
God bless,



We still head downtown St. Paul most Saturday afternoons. Lately we've learned that warm dark socks are very appreciated (white socks are ok, but dark socks are a treat!). Hygiene items (and especially hygiene packs that meal groups at CrossRoads have put together) are really appreciated. Now that the weather is turning cold, it's also hats and gloves time. We had a great group of ladies that made lined fleece mitts for us last year (the people LOVED the mitts!), and some other ladies that make scarves. Let me know if you would like to join these ladies in serving the homeless in these ways.

What we hear over and over is that people like to be treated with dignity. That's why we always approach someone saying "Excuse sir" or "Excuse me ma'am", or "Good afternoon...". The hats and water and snack bars and hygiene items are a bonus.

Let me know if you have questions. You can usually find me every service at CrossRoads Church (Woodbury campus) at the CrossWalk Kids check-in desk. Or you can send me a note through this blog and I'll contact you.

God bless,
Matt Atkinson