Over the past while, we've learned that our friends living on the street, living in shelters or camping along the Mississippi really appreciate new clean underwear and socks. Our desire is to be able to give a couple of changes of socks and underwear to every person we find on the street over the summer.
If you or your meal group would like to help, we would like:
-New, clean underwear (both men's and women's)
-New, clean socks (white athletic socks are great), either ankle socks for women, or full length socks for men and women.
You can drop the socks and underwear off in either the office during the week, or at the Welcome Table/Info Booth on the weekend. It would be best if you could put them in a grocery back labeled "PRAXIS"
As well, we can always use hygiene items.
If you would like to join us some Saturday, leave a message for me at the church office, and I'll give you a call.
Blessings all!