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Friday, November 10, 2006

Scraps and loose ends...

"The only constant is change..."
When I started this blog, I was hoping that people would use it to share their experiences helping others. Through the spring and summer it worked that way. We had a fairly regular stream of comments. It was good.
We had a bit of a end-of-summer blogging slump, and we lost our readership.
While we currently have a link from the Sanctuary website, soon we may be posting announcements directly on the Sanctuary blog. Keep your eyes open there also.
We'll be handing out lists of items that can be donated for the homeless after the Sanctuary service this Sunday. We collect these items before and after the Sanctuary service. Alternately you can drop things off in the church office.
We are still going downtown most every Saturday, and if you want to join our expanding group give me a call. If you want to learn more about helping New Life Family Services, given Reagen a call. If you want to help with Bill's Pantry, give Mary B. or Jim L. a call (call the church office for numbers).
If you want to know about Care Kits for community nurses in Swaziland, send me a note.
Blessings as you get out into the community and care for the forgotten...